Pete Retondo Architecture
3rd Story Addition
New bedroom, bath and deck with views added to San Francisco home.
Rammed Earth House*
17,000 square foot home with rammed earth walls.
*Ecological Design Institute, Pete Retondo Project Architect
Shingle Style Home*
Complete renovation and additions to a classic shingle home in San Francisco.
*DSGA, Pete Retondo Project Architect
Library & Guest House
Conversion of a century old farm utility building, with 2nd story addition, on the Petaluma River.
Mirene, ex-tugboat
A 65 foot vessel given a new life as a mobile floating home, moored at Waldo Point on Richardson's Bay
Attic Addition
Victorian renovation and conversion of attic to 2nd story in San Francisco
Vineyard House*
New residence and guest house in Sonoma County.
*DSGA, Pete Retondo Project Architect
Meadowlark House
Farm residential / center. 6500 square foot new building in Sonoma County
Pete Retondo Architecture Design
North African Ostrich
Incubation and hatchery facilities in Kelle, Niger, a ground-breaking effort to save the North African Ostrich
Amity House
New residence in Amity, Oregon featuring ground-source heat pump heating and cooling
pete retondo architecture design architecture and environmental design